Zoo Plus
Apr 2024 - Dec 2024
During a visit to the Hongshan Forest Zoo in Nanjing, I was deeply inspired by their educational approach of inviting visitors to "visit animals in their homes." However, when I compared the zoo’s intended message of animal conservation with the behaviors I observed from visitors, I noticed that in China, zoos often face serious challenges with uncivil behavior. Many people tend to view zoos as “parks with animals”, lacking a sense of respect for them. This mindset and behavior are frequently reflected in children, and most parents fail to promptly correct their mistakes.
In this project, I designed and created an animal-themed puzzle game for children, accompanied by an AR interactive experience developed using Unity and Vuforia. The goal was to design a new zoo touring experience for children that not only enhances parent-child visits but also supports the zoo's mission of science education. This aims to teach children to respect and protect animals, while reducing uncivil behaviors in the zoo.
AR Game Design
Experience Design
Interaction Design
My Role
Game Designer
Independent Project