Nowhere To Go
Apr 2024 - Jul 2024
This study explores the role of immersive experience in enhancing the educational effects of serious games by comparing the effects of two interaction methods, virtual reality (VR) and traditional keyboard and mouse (PC), on players' gaming experience, against the background of climate change issues in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Data were collected through user testing, questionnaires and interviews, and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.
It was found that virtual reality technology significantly enhances the immersion and educational effect of players and prompts them to be more willing to adopt sustainable behaviors. This study provides new ideas for serious game design and an innovative approach to promote the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
3D Game Design
Case Study
User Research
My Role
Game Designer
User Researcher
Jinxian Ye
Miao We
Serious games help players build empathy and social responsibility by showing real-world problems. Although their role in education is widely recognized, there is still limited research on how immersive experiences in serious games affect learning. This study aims to understand how different interactive environments impact the educational effects of serious games. It also hopes to give useful advice for future game design and for spreading ideas about sustainability.
We created two versions of the same game, Nowhere To Go, one for VR and one for PC. These versions were used to compare how virtual reality and traditional PC environments affect players’ empathy and behavior. The goal is to add to the research on immersive experiences in serious games and to show how virtual reality can increase player engagement and learning. The results will give game designers and educators helpful ideas for improving serious games to better educate players and make a bigger social impact.
This paper explored the effect of immersive experiences in serious games through the following sections: related work, game design, technical implementation, experimental testing, and research conclusions. The findings will be analyzed and discussed in detail to provide a clear understanding of the topic.